ICYMI - Telegram Q+A This morning, we had a Q+A session in our Telegram channel, hosted by CEO Emanuele Francioni (@Autholykos) and CMO, Emanuele Carboni If you missed it and don't want to miss the next one, join the Telegram: https://t.co/ewCl755G2h The questions focused on mainnet and our announcement yesterday regarding our partnership with @BwreCapital, offering more insight into how it will work and impact the $DUSK community. "The whole investment opportunity is backed by an actual, real business that Dusk management has been prepping (for a long time) to be able to offer to our community The whole investment is vehicled through a regulated financial product for which Dusk management is legally responsible and will be listed on a security exchange under the direct supervision of the regulators And the best thing here is that if this bizcase is successful, we will be able to issue hundreds of millions of Euros worth of similar products in the future" ------- Join the Telegram to catch up on the rest of the answers, and to be part of the next one 💪