According to Fortune magazine, one of the issues that Coinbase Chief Information Security Officer Jeff Lunglhofer is most concerned about now is also an issue that other security executives are nervous about: the rapid spread of deepfakes. There are already some videos circulating, in which the voices and images of cryptocurrency CEOs such as Brian Armstrong of Coinbase and Brad Garlinghouse of Ripple appear, and they promise to give away free tokens.

Jeff Lunglhofer warns that large platforms like YouTube, which isn’t vigilant about crypto scams at the best of times, may be slow to stop deepfakes because, on the surface, they look harmless and don’t contain the illegal content that the platforms work hardest to detect. Most worryingly, the quality of deepfakes is improving every month, which will make them more convincing and harder to detect. In response to this coming onslaught, as well as the problem of scams, he has a suggestion that goes beyond vigilance: If you’re moving money, slow down.