The temperature in India has risen by 53 degrees. In addition to geopolitics, we need to pay more attention to the impact of geo-climate.

The temperature in New Delhi, India has recently risen by 53 degrees Celsius. This high temperature has also attracted the attention of many people.

Under high temperatures, it will directly affect the living problems of residents in the region, such as excessive power consumption, increased electricity bills, insufficient water sources, and food shortages caused by drought.

Especially the food problem. India itself is also a major producer, and its annual grain exports account for 25% of the world, but India itself still has more than 200 million people who cannot eat, which shows that India’s food is not actually in the hands of the country and the people.

If the drought caused by climate impact and the reduction in grain production are added, the number of residents trapped by food will continue to increase, and these people will not have food to eat, let alone effective cooling. You must know that such high temperatures may easily kill people. High temperature + increased mortality rate, plus India’s poor environmental governance and control, it is hard to imagine what may be caused if it is left alone. The most imaginable thing is the "plague" caused by high temperatures, and then a large number of refugees will flee, which may even have a serious impact on the surrounding areas.

In particular, the impact of geopolitical temperature may cause the prices of some international bulk commodities to continue to rise, thus triggering a series of impacts.

By the way, will India rely on its large population to "hold on" again? According to the usual routine, India basically takes care of its neighbors when it is in danger, and likes to ignore its own problems and pass them on to its neighbors, and then let the neighbors provide "forced" help.

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