Original author: AYSE KARAMAN

Original source: Cointelegraph

The Internet has revolutionized the way people access information, provided unprecedented convenience and communication methods, and promoted the explosive growth of digital content. However, challenges inherent in Web2 have begun to limit the public's ability to access diverse content and news.

The monopoly of major media companies restricts them to disseminating content that fits their business models and relationships, a model that, as noted in the work of leading thinkers such as Noam Chomsky and Ben Bagdikian, restricts the flow of information, especially in the context of news reporting. In addition, many governments in developing countries are engaging in aggressive censorship of the Internet in order to manipulate citizens in line with national agendas or to avoid public backlash.

These restrictions, coupled with the emergence of deceptive technologies such as deepfakes, have led to the proliferation of fake news and sparked a general distrust of the internet, leading to a growing tendency to use the internet for entertainment purposes.

This phenomenon is even more obvious in less developed regions. The development of mobile Internet and social networks has driven the population in regions where two-thirds of the world's population live into an era of information explosion. However, only entertainment content has successfully caught the wave of mobile Internet, and the right to equal access to information has not yet been realized, and a large number of educational resources are inefficiently used. Compared with access to free dance videos and music, the public remains indifferent to political issues, globalization and climate change.

Blockchain, first used to democratize finance, has the potential to provide a wider flow of information and circumvent censorship. One project uses this technology, along with other cutting-edge technologies, to achieve this goal and promote the healthy flow of news and information.

Using AI for information collection and dissemination

REVOX.AI is a permissionless ecosystem focused on decentralized application innovation and online content indexing. Formerly known as ReadON, the project has upgraded to an Onchain Modular AI network based on blockchain to enable equal access to information.

The renamed Web project now uses AI to develop its flagship product. Its Content Hub is an important part of the ecosystem, which uses AI to index information from around the world, categorize content, and evaluate the quality of each category through relevant evaluation models.

At the same time, REVOX is further building its flagship product ReadON DAO, an AI-based decentralized content aggregation and distribution application (Content Aggregation and Distribution DApp). The platform provides indexed content to users around the world without filtering, censorship or bias. In this way, ReadON DAO and Content Hub are promoting the concept of content democratization.

Of course, language is still a barrier to information dissemination today, and minority language areas are facing "supply discrimination" in information. Indonesia accounts for 2.5% of the world's population, but the proportion of Indonesian content on the Internet is less than 0.7%.

In ReadON DAO, a key application of AI is to provide cross-language content translation. Currently, it supports English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Indonesian, Chinese, Hindi, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

By providing intelligent assistance to enhance search efficiency, REVOX effectively removes language barriers in the digital content market, bridges the information gap and breaks down barriers. The seamless flow of information makes it more feasible to raise awareness and build solidarity on important issues such as politics, globalization and climate change.

Language support for ReadON DAO applications

REVOX also encourages users to participate in content dissemination by adopting Cryptocurrency Tokenomics. Users who discover and spread high-quality content will receive different amounts of cryptocurrency rewards. Another product of REVOX, ShareON, is a Telegram mini-program that provides users with daily content updates and rewards users based on sharing interactions.

REVOX’s cryptoeconomics incentivizes users to continuously discover high-quality content and spread it through social networks. Users can stake tokens using the Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism to “predict” quality content. When other users verify the quality of the content, the original staker will receive corresponding rewards. By leveraging cryptoeconomics, users can autonomously control the content distribution process and make democratic decisions on content dissemination. REVOX’s approach eliminates censorship and protects user privacy.

REVOX encourages users to independently manage the discovery and dissemination of high-quality content

In this way, users decide what content is prioritized on the platform. Cryptocurrency, as a tool, allows democratic decision-making in the ecosystem. Participants can vote on content dissemination by staking tokens, thereby bypassing issues of censorship and privacy violations.

Advocate for freedom of information

Currently, ReadON DAO has established its market dominance with more than 2 million users, and ShareON is also rapidly being accepted by users through the social network of Telegram. Its mobile app has been downloaded one million times on Google Play and has become the number one free news app in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Nigeria. A Web3 news app surpassing Google News in a country with a population of 300 million is exactly what is happening now. The project has also established a social media network on Telegram and keeps in touch with ecosystem participants through this channel.

Regarding how REVOX contributes to information freedom in less developed countries, a user from Iran said:

“I live in a place where the only thing people have learned from the internet is downloading movies and songs for free and checking Instagram and WhatsApp stories, and they think the whole online world is a scam. I intend to introduce these people to the real online world. I want to be that one person among us who breaks away from tradition. [...] And it (ShareON) is a guidebook, and I feel that with all my heart.”

Feedback from Farsi-speaking users of REVOX

Mature business model

REVOX does not rely on token issuance for revenue, but has developed a stable and mature business model through its publicly available information. New users are the fresh blood of the industry, and REVOX is committed to completing the industry education of new users.

REVOX has established partnerships with exchanges in places like Nigeria and Indonesia. Traditional industry giants are interested in attracting Web3 users and are eager to try new methods, such as issuing NFTs and granting these assets certain rights, to attract the attention of young users.

At the same time, REVOX is able to provide significant value in customer acquisition channels and technical services, and has established partnerships with companies including LINE and Japan Airlines.

In the current entertainment-oriented environment of information overload, practitioners of revolutionary technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence are gradually taking on greater social responsibilities. High-quality content and information are often controlled by the world's elite, and the advent of decentralization is changing this situation. Projects like REVOX are committed to breaking down these barriers and disseminating quality content and information to everyone through artificial intelligence and decentralized methods.

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