Who will be the next 10x pepe?

BOME currently has a circulating market value of about 1.03 billion.

Let's talk about what our friends care about directly. When will it be able to usher in a 10x increase like pepe in February and March this year.

It has been two months since the opening of Binance. In these two months, you can carefully observe whether BOME's daily and weekly lines are almost the same as the previous trend of pepe after the opening of Binance, except that there may be some discrepancies in time. For more than a month, it has been oscillating and washing. It is necessary to clean up the profit-taking in the three days before listing on Binance and reach a new price consensus.

Why compare these two? Because the market-making methods of the two do have many similarities.

Looking back at the previous listing of pepe on Binance, washing, and then ushering in a big rise, they basically followed the pace of BTC. Recently, q1un + Wei: L20240098, the current bome is also the same. BTC falls, BOME also falls; BTC rises, BOME also rises. So this is why I said before that we should learn to improve our understanding of BTC. Because we all depend on the market.

Bome’s previous low point was 0.0072-0.0082 (the market value of this price is about 420 million). Those who bought this low point must be happy. Now it has risen. Those who didn’t buy it will definitely ask whether it will reach this range or even lower in the future.

#5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析