[5.31 Market Research Report - Tomorrow the monthly line will be closed. The market is waiting for the last drop, but it does not affect the optimism about the second half of the year. Be a cyclical trader. Ethereum continues to consolidate on the platform]


1. BTC

BTC5.7 spot is good [Those who have not entered the market here and are short can enter a little bit when it returns to around 6.1, and do not enter at a low level. When the retracement is not advantageous, you still need to maintain a position to prevent anxiety. At the same time, the low bottom mentioned by the copycat in the past few days can also do some self-defense if it has not risen]

The position below the big cycle is still from 5.7 5.2 4.8. These are all possible to continue to enter the market, so especially for spot, we must understand what cycle you are doing, In the whole bull market, you should make up for the decline and increase your currency standard. For a time unit of one or two months, you can find the position of the monthly line to stop profit and stop loss.

In terms of time cycle, there is not much time left for the market. The decline is the last decline. As for how to fall, I hope it will fall deeply. However, the market does not see a deep decline at present, but it is not a big problem. We entered with more than half of our position on 5.7. What we can do is to enter the market once at each position later, and lie down for the rest.

The monthly line will be closed tomorrow. This kind of monthly line basically defines the stage market, with wide fluctuations.

The daily flag-shaped convergence pattern is at the end of the consolidation. The range may be broken through.

Intraday range: 6.7-6.96

[Once there is a new low for 6.61, the stage will become a bearish fluctuation]

Support: 6.58 6.48 6.28

2. ETH

The monthly line of Ethereum is stronger than that of Bitcoin, so I have been looking at the platform consolidation here. Seeking a new high of 4200 4500 4800 is the target

As for how to make a breakout and fly in the range of 3500-3900

This is the usual way to play in the platform range

If the long position is trapped, it will be ready to stop loss at any time if it falls below 3600. The same is true for the short position. If it breaks through the range, it will be reduced according to several positions

The entry position below remains unchanged. 3050-3125 and 2900 can continue to enter [the position that can be entered in the early stage remains unchanged]

3. Copycat

Look for more coins with bottom patterns, and chase those that are not suitable for this year's market

Many old friends don't understand why some positions are given very low, or why I have to hold coins for one or two months

Then why don't you think about why I fly as soon as I hold?

Try it. It's your business if you believe what I share, follow it and make money.

If you don't believe it and question it, that's your business.

I have no obligation to explain it one by one.

Making money is your own business.
