I remember a teacher said a long time ago that the human body is designed by nature. If you don't do what you should do, there will be a backlash. For example, the medical records of their obstetrics and gynecology department over the years have found that the incidence of ovarian cancer in infertile women they treated is much higher than that of fertile women. Infertile women have a lower longevity rate and live more than ten years less.

People without children grow old, become too lonely, lose their purpose and hope, and die early for various reasons.

Occasionally when I see this topic, I am reminded of what a gynecology teacher said when I was in college. It was quite philosophical. At that time, there was no such environment as today, so some people still dared to speak the truth.

So, I will tell the truth despite the swords and spears.

Today I have reached the age of that teacher. Among the people around me, there are those with billions of assets who occasionally charter planes to explore the Antarctic and the Arctic, there are those who are bankrupt and stay at home to study Taoist tea drinking and health preservation, there are those who have their children admitted to Tsinghua University and hand out homework in a low-key manner, and there are those who work hard and sigh about the hardships of life.

So today I especially understand the meaning of the teacher's words "Do what you should do". Life has a rhythm. For most ordinary people, the simplest happiness lies in keeping in sync, not keeping in sync with others, but keeping in sync with the natural beat and rhythm. Of course, if you are worth over 100 million and can control your own destiny and go against the will of heaven, that is another matter.

For example, when you are in middle school, your brain is at its best and you absorb knowledge the fastest. If you don't study, go to bars and play games, then the most likely thing for an ordinary person in this life is to be a gold digger, do physical labor in an electronics factory, or do sales in various industries. Then you lament the unfairness of fate every day, lament that you don't have a billionaire father, and despise the small town test-takers who slowly climb over your head. Another example is getting married when you should be employed, becoming a housewife isolated from society, and can only rely on men to survive; or when you should get married, you are busy with other things, becoming a leftover, and becoming a social instability factor; or when you should have children, you are determined not to have children, but later you are forced to have children because of the social environment, and become the sponsor of assisted reproduction clubs; or, like your ideal, you stay single and childless for your whole life... You become a marginal person who is truly isolated from society.

Going to school, getting a job, getting married, and having children are all major life events with a natural rhythm. For ordinary people, if the body functions in sync with nature, everything will go smoothly, making it easier to live a happy life, away from illness and inconvenience.

Otherwise, a person from an ordinary family sees a high-paying job but finds that he or she does not have enough education and knowledge to grab it; sees the person he or she likes but finds that he or she is not qualified enough and is despised and cannot get the job; feels lonely and helpless and wants to find someone to rely on and get married but finds that he or she is too old and is ruthlessly rejected; finally finds someone to accompany him or her, but the person leaves because he or she does not want to have children; finally wants to have children but finds that his or her parents are old and there is no one to take care of them, and that he or she has no money, time or energy and cannot take care of both; how can there be happiness in such a life?

Finally, after you are over 40, you will suddenly find that everything around you is quiet, and you have become a marginal person isolated from society. No one will invite you to go shopping or eat anymore, no one will call you anymore, and you don’t know who to call even if you look through the phone book. You finally call your best friend, but they hang up after a few minutes with excuses. Everyone from leaders to colleagues in your company stays away from you, thinking that you are full of negative energy, eccentric, and unapproachable. Young people have a generation gap and cannot communicate with you. You can’t get in the conversation with your peers about family and affection, and they don’t talk to you because they are afraid of irritating you. When your parents talk to you, they just sigh...

The above is a true portrayal of ordinary women between 40 and 50 years old who are unmarried and childless. I write it for you because there are quite a few of them around me. Most people in the comment section should be very young, but nothing lasts forever. Now is a peaceful and prosperous time, and you are single and happy. But if there is troubled times in the next few decades, a single woman with no one to rely on will really be helpless.

The above are for those with good economic conditions. As for those with poor economic conditions, I don’t know, but my friend’s family once hired a nanny. Later, when he found out that the nanny was unmarried and childless, he directly fired her because he was afraid that this woman was mentally unstable and would harm her children.

Whether a woman has children or not is truly a personal freedom, but in this world, is there any absolute freedom? #5月市场关键事件 #美众议院通过FIT21法案 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #meme板块关注热点