Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the matter, that U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump is discussing cryptocurrency-related policies with Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

According to a person familiar with the matter, the Trump campaign has also discussed the possibility of inviting Musk to speak at the Republican National Convention, but it is still far from making a final decision. It is not clear whether Trump has asked Musk to speak. Scott proposed this idea.

In this regard, Musk himself denied the content of this report on X and bluntly stated that he had not discussed cryptocurrency with Trump. He said:

"While I generally favor the transfer of power from government to the people, and cryptocurrencies can do that, I have never discussed cryptocurrencies with Trump."

Pretty sure I’ve never discussed crypto with Trump, although I am generally in favor of things that shift power from government to the people, which crypto can do

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 30, 2024

This article Musk is rumored to be advising Trump on cryptocurrency policy! I went to the line of fire to deny it. It first appeared on Zombit.