Prelude to Bitcoin bull market, on the eve of interest rate cut, altcoins will go crazy first! Brother Ming's script has been written, whether it will follow the script, everyone can observe together!

BTC is about like this: there is a vacuum period in June, there is no news catalysis, so the big cake will fluctuate in June, June is naturally the altcoin season, with the Fed's interest rate cut news based on data in June, BTC began to fluctuate upward and break through the historical high, and then in July, the big cake began to reach the highest point and then slowly completed the decline, while the altcoin may be cut in half, and the dog dealer will collect the last wave of chips.

So it will take some time for the real BTC bull market to start, and in this process it is just accumulating chips, making sufficient preparations, and ready to go! The reasons are as follows

1. According to the halving time rule, it takes 100-200 days, and 40 days have passed. That is to say, there are at least 70-160 days before BTC will really start a super bull market.

2. Interest rate cuts are essential, and the market needs sufficient liquidity. Maybe this condition is not needed at the beginning, but it is definitely needed in the middle and later stages. During this process, Bitcoin will not make any big moves, but there will definitely be some copycats that will emerge, such as TRB, PEPE and other currencies, because the currency market needs highlights and even more wealth effects to attract more leeks to enter the market. As the old saying goes: "The wealth effect is the best advertisement", this sentence applies to the currency circle!

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