Odaily Planet Daily News: AO, a decentralized parallel computing layer based on the Arweave permanent storage network, announced that it plans to issue the token AO. The specific details are as follows: 1. AO will be 100% fair. Zero pre-mining, zero pre-sale, zero discounts, etc. 2. Each token will be minted by bridging AO and holding AR. 3. The total amount is 21 million, with a 4-year halving cycle. The token economics and genesis event are scheduled for 11:00 Eastern Time on June 13, and a new non-profit organization will launch AO according to this mechanism. Note that people in the United States and sanctioned jurisdictions will not be able to mint AO tokens through the bridge network. It is reported that AO is a decentralized computer that can run any number of processes (programs) in parallel. It uses Arweave as a shared information transmission layer, allowing processes running in the AO computing network to interact with any other process in the network without permission through this layer. In addition, the Arweave ecosystem has also established a market subsidiary in Asia, ArweaveOasis, which will focus on serving the development of Asia, especially the Chinese-speaking market, in the future.