Why do good currencies have to trade time for space?

1. Only after ups and downs can the profitable chips that hope to continue to make more money be eliminated, because only after enough time and enough temptations outside, the profitable chips will be eliminated. Otherwise, after just experiencing a big rise, everyone thinks that this currency has risen so well, and now it is a normal adjustment. The main force is washing the market, and it will pass in a while. However, the UK has experienced many roller coasters, and AI, MEME, etc. outside are rising in turn. Only then will you feel that you should not continue to waste time on this currency. The scenery outside is beautiful. Go out first and you will have a chance to come back later;

2. Only after a long period of washing, like the#PEPEthat settled down some time ago, are stable chips, because at a certain height, the main force has absorbed enough chips, and there is no need to continue to absorb chips. All you need is to pull up. But if the chips are unstable, someone will smash them as soon as they rise, and finally the chips will be smashed in the hands of the main force. If you want to go longer in the long term, you must wash a platform that is ready to rise for a long enough time, go through the test of the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire, and leave a batch of sufficiently stable chips until the turnover rate is very low. With very small funds, you can easily pull up the price of the currency. Only by moving a thousand pounds can the main operator be considered successful.

3. Only after a long period of washing, you can come in and prepare for a short-term bet in the last round of rise. It is difficult to survive for a month. Of course, the premise is that these months must go through such washing to allow the chips to be fully exchanged, and this position can become a new starting point.

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