Let me tell you the answer first: you can play it, it depends on how you play it! Prerequisite: you are a retail investor.

Probability of getting rich and leaving: 0.001%

The probability of losing all your money: close to 100%

People who buy lottery tickets are all idiots. They know they have no chance of winning, but they still buy them. They always think they are the chosen ones, the best among men. Just like people in the cryptocurrency circle, they always think the altcoins they buy are worth hundreds or thousands of times more, like me.

They bought it and called it charity, just like they bought altcoins and told themselves they were investing in value. They are all idiots.

But can retail investors still enter?

Enter what?

Coin Circle!!!

What do you understand by the cryptocurrency world? What ecosystems are there? Is the cryptocurrency world just for speculation?

If you really have this understanding, I suggest you stay away from

What ecosystems does the cryptocurrency circle have? Spot trading, contracts, leading orders, self-media, collecting rebates, collecting customer losses, taking advantage of airdrops, merchants, market makers, knowledge payment, legal consulting, mining, lawyers, and money laundering are all part of the ecosystem of the currency circle, even pig-killing schemes and telecommunications fraud.

Which ecosystem doesn't make money? Do you have to make the lowest-end fuel?

All the comments under my articles are coming to tell me how many suns other people have earned by opening contracts. Do they earn it by opening contracts? It’s through commissions.

Brother, see the essence of things

Back to this topic: The probability of getting rich overnight: 0.001%

Among ten thousand people, only one can make money. Why do you think it's you? Are you really the one who is capable among ten thousand?

You clicked on the comment section again and were ready to criticize me. My classmates, my friends, my childhood friends, my colleagues made so much money from being a model every day. Did you see it? Did you participate in being a model? Why can they bring you along when they are a model, but you don’t keep up when they make money?

The so-called friends you mentioned may be the big guys who often speak in your vx group, right? Are they "friends" that you don't even have vx friends?

Are you really one in a million? Tell me you earn 3,500 yuan a month in real life? Si Qing clearly tells you that people who make money on the Internet must be very capable in real life. You can't even be one in a million in real life, so do you think you can make a lot of money in an Internet ecosystem without rules and order?

I don't believe it. What can ordinary people do if they want to enter this circle?

The first thing is to protect the principal!

Protect your capital!

Protect your capital!

Protect your capital!

Don't read those chicken soups about getting rich overnight. You don't have the ability and financial resources to keep up. If someone enters the market with 10 million and makes 20% of the spot profit, that's 2 million. You earn 5,000 a month, and you only make 5,000 yuan if you make 100%. What can you do with it?

What if you only have 5000?

If you buy 684U with 4998 and put it in the exchange to earn interest, you will have 100U at 15% per year.

Then I took the remaining two dollars to buy a pair of gloves and went to the construction site. Now I can earn 300 a day. I have some left over from a month to secretly buy about 10,000 steel bars from the construction site. I bought all of them into U and earned the interest. In less than a year, I made 100,000, and I guaranteed my principal and income.

If you continue to invest 100,000 yuan in U investment, you can get 50 yuan in income a day, which is 7 U a day, and you can leverage the interest to 100 times.

You can preserve your capital and increase your wealth a hundredfold.

If you spend fifty yuan a day and eat big steamed buns, you can achieve basic financial freedom. Then you can start live streaming to take orders, let workers on the construction site register for fake exchanges, earn rebates and eat the customers' losses, and it's easy to make one hundred thousand a month.

The key is that your principal has not been touched.

The methods that others tell you all have risks, but the one that Uncle Six gives you is the most reliable.

Of course, I know you don't think much of this hundred thousand.

Therefore, you need to study the ecology inside, integrate your own understanding, learn first, and enter a field that you are good at. Of course, the things you come into contact with may also be outdated. For example, the problem of how to withdraw funds safely. What you see on the Internet are all things from a few years ago and have no originality.

So, don’t believe it, verify it. You must doubt everything, then verify the feasibility of it and incorporate your own views.

For example, Si Qing used to hoard spot goods. He bought one Bitcoin when the price was 40,000, and sold it for more than 30,000. He bought 700 Ethereums with 80U. HT has increased tenfold. The price of 800,000 FIL is only 40,000 now. I have experienced all the bull and bear market transitions, but none of them made me make money.

I have experienced all the pitfalls and found all the solutions to make money, but you, my friend, come and ask what to buy?

Do you think it's possible? Can this paper circle still be played? I came up with a strategy, a manual one. We tested it for more than a year before we dared to tell you about it.

A small amount of capital can generate a return of 15%-20% per month.

With a capital of 3000U, open a long and short position on BTC and ETH, 20 times the full position.

The first is that there will be no margin call. The second theory is that ETH and BTC basically rise and fall in tandem, but if Bitcoin rises by 5%, the other two can only rise by 3%. They will not always rise at the same rate, so there is a profit margin in between.

If you close all your positions at a suitable point, you will generate arbitrage. Of course, most of the time it will be a floating loss. You just need to wait patiently.

At the right time, when the account balance is positive by 300U-500U, close the position and open an order, or trade back on both sides.

These theories all tell you to protect your principal first.

Protect your capital

Protect your capital

Protect your capital

is the most important thing.

Back to the topic, can you still play in the circle? First of all, you have to know what you are good at and give up the dream of getting rich overnight, then you can play.

If you take the initiative to find me, my strategy password.
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