Odaily Planet Daily News According to official news, the universal asset multi-chain protocol MUA-7648 under the Web3 creator community MUA DAO has officially launched, and the MUA7648 x Mantle BigFun NFT-Fi joint airdrop event will be launched at 8 o'clock tonight. The series of prize pools include MUA and MNT worth more than 500,000 US dollars. Users can win MUA rewards by participating in the MUA-7648 protocol interaction in the Cantina market, holding various MUA and partner assets, inviting friends, etc. 45% of MUA will be used for community incentives. This event is supported by nearly 30 head BTC and ETH NFTs, inscription projects and Mantle Ecological Foundation. It is reported that MUA DAO has previously received US$5 million in financing, and investors include Avalanche, ByteTrade, Rocktree Capital and Wu Jihan. The team launched the second phase of the official Alipay+ D-store with Alibaba Cloud in early May to promote the deep commercial integration of Web2 and Web3 in the Southeast Asian market.