$CKB ckb will fall again. The more than 10,000 U that I took out the day before yesterday has more than doubled. I am going to return to Binance to increase my spot position.


There are many market opportunities. It is okay to hold on to one coin, but don’t really have no rescue strategy. People need to make progress. @200U起家 This brother makes me want to laugh when I see him. I don’t know what luck he has won. Doubtful profits are not to be obtained. When they are easy to obtain, they are easy to lose.


Yesterday, Sloth Slerf and today Mouse made some money. The inscription sector should be big $ORDI , $1000SATS . I will close it first to see the situation and take it later.


The day before yesterday, I first withdrew 10,000 to Huo, and won 1,600 and then transferred it to a certain Zhi. Yesterday, I also gave hundreds of U to my friends to open Sloth together.

. The main purpose of withdrawing some U is to open Sloth, after all, Binance does not have this target.


Please add the logo code to the picture, otherwise I am afraid it will not be sent out.

Good night. Makabaka
