After doing trading for a long time, it seems that the anger has disappeared...

Today, when I was driving on the road, a truck driver spit on my windshield. It was really disgusting, but the wiper sprayed some water and it was gone. I didn't care much and just wanted to silently "bless" him. But the wife in the co-pilot seat couldn't sit still. She rolled down the window and scolded the driver, but the truck was driving very slowly. The wife only saw him laughing there, which made her even more angry.

After parking, I started to look through the dashcam, preparing to find his license plate and check his number to verbally attack him, but gave up for various reasons.

I think a normal person should be angry about this, but I don't seem to have any interest. Anger doesn't seem to solve any problems, but makes me angry.

Just like being a blogger, many people will criticize you, question you, and insult you under the comments. Your anger is useless and you can't attack them. I usually send them "blessings" and "wish him good fortune". Of course, what kind of information they receive depends on their ability to understand.

In fact, the same is true for trading. Constant stop loss and loss of money, anger can't change the status quo, it will only make you lose more, and the emotions may be more helpless...

I don't know if my current personality is the result of being beaten by the market, but it is indeed very calm, feeling like a compassionate Bodhisattva.

Of course, there are some differences between Bodhisattva and me, because I will send them "blessings", just like the truck driver today, I "bless" him to have a smooth journey and safe travel.