Late at night, a big drop! The Federal Reserve released the "Beige Book". How will Bitcoin go? Just look at this data!

Last night, the Federal Reserve released the latest national economic situation survey report, referred to as the Beige Book. The data showed that US prices continued to rise moderately, and the average cost-side prices rose. After the data was released, the three major US stock indexes ushered in adjustments, and most technology stocks also fell. The price of Bitcoin continued to fluctuate around 67,000 US dollars.

The release of the "Beige Book" made the prospect of interest rate cuts more pessimistic, and the interest rate cut may be postponed. The Federal Reserve's June interest rate meeting will be held from June 11 to June 12, and the interest rate of 5.25% has been maintained for more than 10 months.

For the trend of cryptocurrency assets, I think it is subject to two factors in the short term. One is the PCE data to be released at 20:30 this Friday night, which directly reflects the inflation data. The second is the impact of the Mentougou incident. The end of October is the deadline for compensation, and some compensation plans have not yet been released, so there are still uncertain factors.

However, it is not completely without good news. In order to win more young votes, American politicians have expressed their support for cryptocurrencies. At first, only Trump supported it, but now Biden has also begun to turn.

In addition, major institutions are also preparing to enter the cryptocurrency market. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange is preparing a cryptocurrency exchange, and the New York Stock Exchange is also waiting for the regulation to be clarified before entering this field.

In short, the short-term trend will depend on tomorrow night, with an expected 2.8%. If it is higher than expected, it will be bearish, and if it is lower than expected, it will be a surge. At this stage, the position should be controlled, not too heavy, and cash should be left for advance or retreat.

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