🎉Good news! Galxe announced that it will launch a new Layer1 blockchain Gravity, a product designed for full-chain experience and full-chain abstraction. Gravity will integrate Galxe's core products, including Quest, Compass, Passport, Score, Alva, and Galxe Identity Protocol. 🚀

Gravity uses the fastest execution layer Reth and the most advanced consensus algorithm Jolteon (AptosBFT), providing high throughput and near-instant finality. Moreover, Gravity will be fully compatible with EVM, enabling developers to seamlessly deploy and interact with smart contracts. 👏

The launch of Gravity will be carried out in two key phases. First, the Gravity Alpha Mainnet will go live in June 2024, powered by the Arbitrum Nitro technology stack. Then in the second quarter of 2025, Galxe will launch Gravity Mainnet, a PoS Layer 1 blockchain driven by re-collateralization, with Reth as its EVM execution engine. 🔥

Harry Zhang, co-founder of Galxe, said that the launch of Gravity was to meet the urgent need to simplify cross-chain interactions and provide a user-friendly experience. He believes that Gravity's ability to abstract complexity will bring disruptive changes to developers and users. 🌟

In addition, Latch will be the first ecological project launched on Gravity. Latch.io is a chain-based Yu'ebao built on Gravity, aiming to connect the interest-bearing assets and liquidity of the entire chain. Galxe will also integrate Latch in the future and upgrade Galxe Smart Balance to Galxe Smart Savings. 🎈

This is a project worth looking forward to, let us wait and see! 👀