The $pizza redemption activity ended today. According to the official data released by Unisat, all 21 million 🍕 were redeemed, and finally 200,738 addresses received 🍕, which is 80,000 more addresses than I predicted, and the dispersion is further improved.

UniSat will start engraving and distributing pizza inscriptions in the next few days. This process takes about a week or more.

The latest transaction price of over-the-counter transactions has reached 2.2u/🍕

According to the over-the-counter transaction price, each address is worth at least 220u of airdrop

🍕 market value 46.2 million u

This airdrop is the largest airdrop in the history of the big cake ecosystem.

This is also the first on-chain asset of the big cake ecosystem platform Unisat to be airdropped

It is also the first large-scale airdrop of the 5-character BRC20 protocol

And this wave of $pizza large-scale airdrops has brought widespread attention and discussion from major crypto communities.

$pizza has a relatively high certainty in the future from several factors: there is a banker, the scale of currency holding addresses is large, the degree of dispersion is high, and the topic is hot

