Ethereum Broke Its All-Time Record This Month: It Rising to $1.26 Billion!

An all-time record was broken in Ethereum (ETH) contracts on the Chicago Commodity Exchange.

The trading volume of Ethereum futures contracts on CME increased to $1.26 billion, although May is not yet over.

The trading volume of Ethereum contracts was $615.75 million in April. Data from May represents an all-time high.

According to Wintermute analysts, the increase in Ethereum open positions means that institutional investors are looking to trade more and more Ethereum against Bitcoin.

Investors are waiting for the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to approve the S-1 filings, as well as the 19b-4 filings, and for spot Ethereum ETFs to be established.

According to Wintermute analysts, due to this expectation, there has been a significant increase in the implied volatility of 1-week, 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month at-the-money options.