In the past, the original intention of the project party to do airdrops

1. Give some benefits to community members who recognized the project in the early stage and followed the project in the early stage. Gain a group of early supporters.

The original intention now:

Find a group of black slaves to brush data. Facilitate financing.

The previous results: The community members got unexpected surprises. Fortunes from heaven, and gained a group of loyal fans of the community.

The current results:

Attract a group of wool-pulling, especially studios, which sell the key after the airdrop. It seems that the data has tens of thousands of addresses, but in fact there is only one studio. After the project went online, it did not gain many real users.

Everyone knows it well, so the project party now simply prevents witches in various ways and lets everyone report each other. The core is to use you. Anyway, I have raised funds and issued coins, and I don’t want to give you a penny more.

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