Surprising Penalty to the SEC: Will Pay the Costs of the Cryptocurrency Case!

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will pay the costs of the lawsuit it initiated against the cryptocurrency project Debt Box.

A remarkable decision was made in the case initiated by the SEC against Debt Box. Utah District Court Judge Robert Shelby ruled that the SEC must pay attorneys' fees and related legal fees in this case.

However, the judge announced that the case was dismissed without prejudice, in line with the SEC's request. In the case between , the SEC's arguments were found "deceptive".

The judge said the SEC's "misrepresentations undermined the integrity of the case" and caused "irreparable harm" to Debt Box. SEC management acknowledged its mistake and apologized.

Making a statement on the issue, the Debt Box front described this step as fair:

The court imposed sanctions on the SEC and demanded that it cover D.E.B.T.'s attorney fees and expenses. This is an important step towards fairness and transparency. The latest ruling means the case is closed and any future action by the SEC must go through Judge Shelby.

This scandalous move by the SEC extended to the resignation of two lawyers of the regulatory agency.