In the craze of digital currency, BOME is like a bright new star, attracting the attention of countless investors.

However, why has this new star not yet ushered in a real explosion?

First of all, the official trading of ETH ETF is expected to cause a wave of impact on the market, which may lead to an overall decline in the market.

In addition, the meme coins of the ETH series dominate the market, and BOME is difficult to stand out in the short term. From a technical perspective, the market is preparing for the upcoming interest rate cut, and the market needs to go through a deep wash process.

It is expected that in the next few weeks, BOME will experience a negative decline to wash out investors who hold the same chips as the dealer. This process will continue until the heat of ETH ETF subsides and sol ETF begins to be sought after by the market.

After a half-year wash, when market liquidity increases significantly under the stimulus of the Fed's interest rate cut policy, the moment of BOME's surge will officially come.

By then, investors in the market will form a consensus on the rise of BOME, reducing resistance to the dealer's pull-up action. It only takes 500 million US dollars to push the market value of BOME to 3 billion US dollars, which is not empty talk.

However, not many investors can persist until the late stage of the bull market, because there are too many temptations in the market and people are impetuous. But it is this washing process that will make room for the dealer's pulling action.

Therefore, for investors, the best time to enter the market may be in July-August. When the market is about to usher in an interest rate cut, and the big negative line washing period after the ETH ETF transaction, it will be a great time to layout BOME.

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Investment is risky, enter the market with caution. $BOME $SOL $ETH