The Web3 basic project "KIP Protocol" focusing on AI is preparing to issue the token $KIP. Through uprising's social activities, the higher the points you get by completing the tasks in the first season, the more KIP airdrops you will receive in the future. This is a bit of a SocialFi attribute. The project party has not yet disclosed how long the project cycle will be.

The project completed a strategic round of financing in February this year, led by Animoca Ventures, with participation from B.Army, CSP DAO, MQdao, Spicy Capital, Skyvision Capital and Purechain Capital.

Project link:

The current tasks are all social tasks. You can get 800 points by following Twitter, joining DC, etc. At the same time, you can post @KIPprotocol + $KIP and get corresponding points based on the number of likes, replies, and reposts of the tweet. You can also get corresponding points by interacting with the official tweet on the left.