Will PEPE become the third billion-level Meme? [What do you think]

DOGE/SHIB became the first/second billion-level Meme in the last bull market, with their peak market value reaching an astonishing $100 billion and $50 billion. In this bull market, will there be a Meme that can reach the billion-level market value? PEPE is on the way, and a simple analysis of the driving factors is for reference only.

1. Super bulls call for super memes

Thanks to the multiple positive factors of ETF/halving/interest rate cuts/Bitcoin ecology, Bitcoin will hit an epic high in this bull market, and the funds in the currency circle are several times that of the previous round. The derivatives of the big bull are super memes. We conservatively estimate that the market value of the currency circle will reach 6 trillion in this bull market. In the last round, the overall market value of Meme accounted for about 5% of its total market value in the currency circle. In this round, we conservatively set it to 2%, and the currency circle Meme can at least reach a scale of $120 billion. In this scale, Doge/Shib is in a defensive position, and market capital will urgently call for new Memes to ascend the throne to form a three-legged Meme situation. If we compare the market value of the leading Meme in this round of bull market with the market value of the small leading public chains in each track, it can generally reach about twice that of the small leading public chains. It is also a conservative value that the small leading public chains in this round of bull market have exceeded 30 billion US dollars. It seems natural that the new Meme leader in this round has reached 60 billion.

2. PEPE's natural Meme cultural heritage will gather strong consensus

As a cultural symbol, we know that the core of Meme lies in consensus. Consensus can come from multiple dimensions, which can be narrative Meme, such as WLD/ORDI, or cultural Meme, such as Doge/Shib. Pepe originated from "Boys Club" in 2005, earlier than Doge in 2010. Compared with Doge, Pepe's Meme cultural gene can be said to be better. Later, Pepe became popular on Meme cultural websites such as 4chan and became a top meme. Among Internet audience users, whether in the West or the East, there are many fans. It is very important to have supporters from both the East and the West in the currency circle, which also represents the breadth of consensus. Obviously, the Pepe consensus comes from Meme culture, and culture has always been the core consensus in human civilization.

3. From the development history of PEPE and the degree of washing, PEPE has reached the critical point of outbreak

A top Meme will definitely experience the test of survival and death. In this process, the reunion and fragmentation of consensus can finally form the most vital consensus. Pepe was listed on Binance at the beginning, but in the subsequent development, it experienced the separation of the original team and the continuous decline of the coin price for 10 months. In this process, the chips were fully dispersed, leaving true believers, rather than some speculators. This is the fundamentals of a large-scale outbreak.

4. Capital and hot money are always looking for targets with high ceilings and low valuations

PEPE has all the innate conditions and fundamentals that meet capital. One of the most widely used coins in the currency circle, sufficient wash-out, good depth, and natural Meme genes create Pepe's high ceiling. In the bull market, capital and hot money are the most sensitive. They vote with money to create the strongest consensus on the K-line: the price that rises all the way.

5. Potential benefits are sufficient, and there are many backhands

We know that there are many top funders and market makers among PEPE's supporters. This is just the power on the surface. Pepe will further attract top capital and exchanges to join. At present, Coinbase and Robin Hood Exchange are expected by Pepe supporters. When Pepe becomes more popular, they are likely to provide support.

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God of Wealth will not let my fans miss out in this bull market!!!

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