Odaily Planet Daily News Game super layer Zentry announced its treasury information for the first half of 2024 today. As of May 22, 2024, Zentry's treasury totaled $151,367,382, an increase of about 44% since the beginning of 2024. Zentry's treasury distribution consists of two parts: liquid reserves and investments, including: - Liquid reserves totaled $78,105,000, including stablecoins and major cryptocurrencies, of which stablecoins totaled $17,850,000, distributed in USDC and USDT, used in various lending and yield-generating protocols, and cryptocurrencies totaled $60,255,000, including about 16,000 ETH, scattered across multiple protocols. - Investments include seed tokens, stocks, liquid tokens, and NFTs, totaling $73,262,382. At the same time, Zentry's investment and staking strategies guarantee a total annual return of more than $10 million. Zentry uses a four-engine treasury strategy to release economic value: 1. Invest in its own development: Enhance the economic value of Zentry by continuously improving and expanding its core products; 2. External investment: Strategically evaluate and select cutting-edge projects that are consistent with the long-term vision; 3. Ecosystem incentives: Promote the rapid expansion of the Zentry ecosystem through strategic incentives; 4. Income growth: Create at least $10 million in annual income through strategic staking of stablecoins, ETH and token nodes. In addition, Zentry's SocialFi product Nexus beta version has been launched, and the Nexus airdrop event has been launched.