20240529【Navigator Chinese Community】

1) Market trend:

BTC fell, Mt. Gox address transferred $10 billion of BTC, and the main line of the market still revolved around Meme coins. US stocks rose, AI leader Nvidia hit a new high, and is expected to surpass Apple to become the world's largest company by market value.

2) Market hot spots:

1. Sol series Meme coins rose: WIF, BONK, and BOME rose, Meme funds rotated to Sol series, and WIF broke through the weekly line.

2. Modular TIA rose sharply: TIA's weekly turning point was obvious, and it will unlock 30% of the circulating market in October, or pull the market six months in advance.

3. Fan coin CHZ rose: The European Cup will be held in mid-June, and CHZ benefited from the rise, but the increase was not as good as the bear market, and was diverted by other hot spots.

4. Polifi's MAGA rose sharply: MAGA used Trump's name to make charitable donations, expand its influence, and become a new way to play Meme. MAGA Hat on the same track was exposed to be a rat warehouse.

5. BTC Rune DOG surges: close to previous high, Meme funds overflow.

Market Outlook:

The decline of BTC has attracted market attention, especially the large transfer of Mt. Gox addresses. At the same time, Meme coins and new hot spots continue to attract funds. Investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics and make reasonable layout. #MegadropLista #山寨季何时到来? #MtGox钱包动态 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $BTC $ETH $BNB