How to judge whether a coin should be bought?

Today, I will share with you $SHIB as an example.

I got up late in the morning, otherwise I would have bought it earlier.

First of all, from the perspective of the K-line indicator, shib formed several rounds of "online golden crosses" of the MACD line this morning.

There is no doubt that it is an upward pattern.

Secondly, from the perspective of trading data, normal trading data generally meets the basic balance of buying and selling. Once there are more large buyers than large sellers, the price will rise.

Finally, you have to look at the rotation of sectors. After bb rose, pepe rose, and the meme sector, it is time for shib.

There is time in the square, so I can't talk too much and too detailed. I can only touch on it.

I hope that in this round of bull market, brothers, one coin and one young model. Beautiful women become rich women.