The intraday trend is still mainly range-bound, with the market fluctuating back and forth between 69500-67500. The obvious oscillation trend is repeated, and the long and short positions are not continued. The big Yin and Yang are meaningless. Every time it seems to rise, it will directly turn around at the resistance position. Don't bet on the trend in the oscillating market. The current price is to lock the resistance support, pay attention to stagflation and stop falling, and accumulate more and more in the high and low positions. This is the correct posture for counting money in the oscillating market. For the high-altitude ideas we gave yesterday, the overall grasp is still considerable. Of course, there are friends who are not doing well. I hope to continue to work hard later.

From the current trend, the overall situation has not been able to break through the limit of the range. In the early morning, the 68800 line was under pressure, and the support near 67500 was tested again and failed to continue. It turned upward repeatedly. The current key pressure position is still near 69000. This position breaks through the upper space to open up further, otherwise it still suppresses the oscillation. The daily level of long and short potential is striving for the amplitude and continuation of fluctuations. For the current rhythm, high-altitude and low-multiple are still dominant. Timely drop in the short term is also the key. If the bottoming-out resistance area cannot be effectively broken, it will be difficult for bulls to do anything. Therefore, the short-term focus is on the high pressure of 69,000 area, and the support below is 67,500. The principle of breaking without building can continue to operate around the box range.

Operation suggestions for Wednesday morning:

Bitcoin: 69,000-68,500 area, look at 67,500!

Touching the 67,500 area below, look at 800-1,300 points of rebound!

Ethereum: Just follow the synchronous thinking, lock the point, and take good defense

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