Hey, did you know that there is a "four-year cycle" in the cryptocurrency world? 2022 to 2023 is a bear market, 2024 to 2025 is a bull market, and then 2026 to 2027 becomes a bear market again, and 2028 to 2029 becomes a bull market again, and it keeps repeating like this!

Many investors are always riding a roller coaster in it, and they can't buy at the bottom at a low level or escape at a high level. Why? It's because you don't know the rules of this cycle, or you don't believe it at all!

If you don't know how to pick a strong coin, then you have to pay attention to me! Whether it's spot or contract, a little effort may yield big gains, but the opportunity is only a short time, so you must seize it!

Success is not just luck, you have to understand that choice is more important than hard work, and the circle also determines your destiny! In the cryptocurrency world, you need to have a strong vision to see the situation clearly, and you also need to follow a good team and a good leader. As long as you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the cryptocurrency world!

You can receive the latest free articles in the cryptocurrency world every day. The articles are all pretty good and can be shared with others!

However, I have to remind you that virtual currency transactions are not protected by law in our country and the risks are quite high, so you must be very careful when investing!

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