5.29 Ethereum early morning market analysis and operation ideas

In the past few days, the price of the currency has been in a narrow range of fluctuations. At present, the price of Ethereum is running around 3840. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator and the MACD technical indicator are both in a stage of oscillation and strengthening. The BOLL technical indicator opens upward. At the same time, it shows from the side that there is still a lot of room for ultra-short-term growth. At the same time, the MA moving averages continue to be bullish and strong, and the current currency price has stabilized above the MA5-day moving average. Therefore, from the perspective of technical indicators, the operation ideas in the early morning and early morning are recommended to focus on retracement and long positions

From the 4-hour technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicators and MACD technical indicators are both in a state of short-term shrinkage, and the ultra-short-term BOLL technical indicators are in a stage of oscillating upward, but the ultra-short-term MA5-day moving average MA10-day moving average is in a cross-down pressure, but the Ethereum TD technical indicator has not been linked with the short position to fall. From the overall market, the trend of Ethereum is stronger than that of Bitcoin. At the same time, it should be noted that Ethereum has a certain weekly gap. As for when the technical gap will be repaired, it depends on when it can effectively fall below the 3800-3787 area. On the contrary, if this area cannot be effectively broken, the currency price will still rise with the trend.

Ethereum: Long in batches near 3835-3805, stop loss: 3775, target: 3920-3950

Bitcoin: Long in batches near 68000-67500, stop loss: 66700 Target: 69300-70600#ETH #BTC $ETH