The Fed is completely shameless! It may raise interest rates once this year, and I don't think it's necessary to rush to cut interest rates!

The Fed is really shameless. This time, the real intention is exposed, and it is completely no longer pretending! Today, Kashkari, an official of the Federal Reserve, said that no one has ruled out raising interest rates. The US labor market has slowed down, but it is still tight. Relative to the target of 2% inflation, wage growth is still quite strong. He also said that he does not think it is necessary to rush to cut interest rates.

The "hawkish" speech has put Bitcoin under pressure today, falling below $68,000, a drop of 2.75%. Why did they suddenly release the "hawk"? To put it bluntly, it is to prepare for the Biden government to win the election.

Why do you say that? The actual controllers behind the Federal Reserve are the Jewish consortium and the financiers behind Biden. They want to ensure that Biden can win and Trump cannot win.

Inflation and soaring prices are one of the main contradictions in the United States at present. The best solution is to raise interest rates. If the interest rate is raised before the election and inflation is suppressed smoothly, it can please voters and win votes; if the interest rate is raised during the election, it will not be able to control public opinion and will trigger unpredictable crises; and if the interest rate is raised after the election, it is not certain who will be elected, and it is meaningless to raise interest rates again.

Therefore, at this stage, officials of the Federal Reserve have begun to leak information and test the reactions of all parties. It is very likely that they will choose to raise interest rates once in October before the November election. Moreover, this is not without precedent. In history, there have been more than one time when the interest rate was raised suddenly after maintaining high interest rates for 6-12 months.

So, will the Federal Reserve not cut interest rates this year? It is not so pessimistic. I think there will still be one interest rate cut. Europe, the ally of the United States, can no longer hold back. Just tonight, the European Central Bank Governing Council: It is expected that interest rates will be cut twice this year and support the European Central Bank to cut interest rates next week.

Therefore, for the interests of allies and the vast number of small and medium-sized capitalists and the middle class in the United States, they will still choose to cut interest rates once.

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