This is both a fable and a prophecy. I was amazed when I read this article for the first time.

On an island called Stockholm, there lived a group of peace-loving people. They recognized shells as credit intermediaries and used them as equivalent exchange for the food they needed. Everyone relied on his own labor to get the life they wanted, and their days were happy and beautiful.

One day, a villain appeared on the island and demanded that everyone recognize the leaves from his tree as the only credit intermediary. Anyone who tried to resist was thrown into the sea to feed the fish. The kind-hearted people were soon tamed and slowly used the leaves from the villain's house as equivalent exchange items. If the islanders wanted to exchange for other daily necessities, they had to go to the villain's house to exchange for leaves, and then use the leaves to exchange for other items. As the days passed, everyone had more and more leaves in their hands, but they could buy fewer and fewer things. Except for the villain and his little brothers, people's lives have been tight.

One day, an islander drifted to the neighboring island of "Forwedeen" and discovered that there was a way of accounting on "Forwedeen" that was simpler and more convenient than using leaves as intermediaries to exchange goods. People who were willing to accept this accounting method recorded their accounts on it. As long as they were approved by six people, the system would consider the account to be correct. All transactions were represented by numbers on the account, without the need for leaves as intermediaries. If the person wanted to buy something, he only needed to debit the account on it and take away the goods he wanted. Because the accounts were public, everyone could check the bills, eliminating the possibility of fraud.

The drifter copied the account system and returned to the island of "Stockholm". Some smart people agreed with this idea and thought this way of accounting was fair and rigorous. People on other islands also agreed with this accounting system. It was convenient to trade locally when going out fishing, so they joined the system. The villain's younger brothers also followed suit and claimed to accept it. More and more people participated... However, some islanders who were used to using leaves couldn't stand it anymore. Isn't it enough to have leaves? Aren't leaves recognized by the villain? Why do we need such a system? Leaves are valuable. Leaves are our eternal wealth. Moreover, leaves are protected by the villain. Your account is nothing but a string of illusory numbers.

But more and more people participated. Some islanders who used the leaves hurriedly reported to the evil man. The evil man who was enjoying himself came to his senses and shouted: This bill is useless in my territory. The leaves are legal. I will beat anyone who uses this account to trade. The evil man's younger brothers quickly followed and said, "We don't know how to use or recognize this system." So the accounts on the island of "Stockholm" went from public to underground. Except for some believers who insisted on using it, most people still tried their best to earn more leaves, because they believed that leaves were the fairest, leaves were the only thing they could rely on, leaves were naturally authoritative, leaves were everything in life, and only leaves could make them live a happy life. This story does not end here. Although the accounting system from the island of "Fordøen" was classified as "illegal" by the villains on "Stockholm Island", it has been recognized by more and more people on other islands due to its inherent convenience and accuracy. Special mention should be made of the island of "Fordøen", which is the richest island nearby and the birthplace of the accounting system. The islanders on "Fordøen" are naturally tough and have always used leaves as an equivalent of exchange. Unlike "Stockholm Island", the islanders elect a strong man to guard the tree that produces leaves, but the strong man who guards the leaves often secretly gets some leaves to distribute, making the leaves less and less valuable, which makes other islanders very angry.

A clever man created a bookkeeping system, so that everyone can trade freely without leaves. The strong man wanted to tear up the public account book, but doing so violated the spirit of freedom inherited from the island of "Forwedeen". The strong man would not be chosen as the guardian of the tree so easily next time. In this way, the island of "Forwedeen" gradually accepted this bookkeeping system, which became an equivalent exchange item with the same status as leaves and was generally recognized.

After the island of "Forwedeen" recognized the legality of transactions in the accounting system, many other small islands also expressed their support one after another. However, Stockholm Island, dominated by the villain, still had to use leaves for transactions. As the leaves became more and more, the strong man on "Forwedeen" believed that the leaves of Stockholm Island had no value, and asked the villain to use the accounting system for bilateral trade. Although the villain was unwilling, he had to agree because he could not beat the strong man. After returning, he came up with a way to take those bills that were once defined as "illegal" for himself. Soon the villain had a huge fortune in bills, so the villain announced that for the benefit of Stockholm Island, he recognized the legality of the accounting system.

The people on the islands of Stockholm are still working hard to earn leaves. They feel that leaves are real wealth, their only support, and legal currency. They are more valuable than gold and stronger than diamonds. However, they don’t know that the villains no longer care about the leaves in their hands. #BTC走势分析