1. The concept of moving average: The moving average is a tool that displays the average price in the past. It can clearly tell us whether the price in the past (30/45/60) period is higher or lower than the current price. It is very useful to judge the trend of the daily line or the 4-line line, but looking at the 15-point line is not fundamentally about finding the trend, so take it away.

2. 15-minute line: Take away the moving average. What you want to look at in this cycle is "the capital flow in this short period of time." It has nothing to do with the trend, but you need to know how much and how strong the capital flow is. This period requires special attention because it is a historical high.

3. Historical high: When BTC reached a historical high for the second time, the price plummeted like an avalanche. The reason is very likely that "investors who bought at the highest point did not make money but just wanted to get back their capital." Therefore, special attention should be paid to the trading funds at historical highs. We can know from this how many people have lost confidence and want to unwind. How many people are willing to wait for higher prices?

4. Trading volume: The trading volume in the upper right corner of ETH has been higher than that of BTC several times. This means that in the short term, most of the market's attention and capital movements are on ETH. Coupled with this exaggerated capital strength, there must be a large number of institutions and whale-level capital inflows and outflows. The K stick information at this time will be particularly valuable.

5. K-stick composition: It was hit before the historical high of 4093, but was supported after a short decline. It can be understood that some people were trapped and couldn't help but sell in advance, but the bullish news greatly supported the price. In other words, the intensity of the decline is not as strong as the intensity of the purchase. The market is more optimistic.

6. Collateral impact: If the market’s attention is on ETH in the short term, when we compare strengths and weaknesses, ETH will now be more authoritative than BTC. I have always mainly used BTC for cross comparison, and now ETH may be a more valuable comparison object. $ETH #ETH