Some major news in the past 24 hours include:

🔴 Stablecoin issuers face additional rules in the EU

🔴 Ripple's victory will benefit Binance and#Coinbasein the lawsuit with the #SEC

🔴 Death cross#ETHthreatens to fall deeper

🔴#DOGEfutures OI exceeds $500 million amid 25% price increase

🔴 Former CFTC Chairman: The United States should "let go" of stablecoins

🔴#Binancelaunches a new tag warning about risky and highly volatile tokens

🔴 Binance has withdrawn from many European countries, the latest being Germany

🔴 Blockchain Venom reaches 1 million testnet wallets after two months of launch #LoveBinance #Kienthuctradehold $BTC $BNB $ETH