$MANTA has a daily K-line bottom divergence. Where is the opportunity to intervene in the small cycle?

Below is a two-cycle chart: daily K-line chart and hourly chart. I will analyze each and share what I think is a suitable intervention point

First of all, I paid attention to this target because it launched a marketing activity in the square. Maybe because of the activity, it broke through the original hourly cycle resistance

Then let's look at the daily K-line cycle first. A MACD bottom divergence pattern appeared. This divergence pattern is also a probability indicator of compensatory rise/fall. That is to say, there may be a period of compensatory rise in the future market to correct the indicator. At present, the indicator line is already near the zero axis. Breakthrough means turning trend

📍Then combined with the rebound resistance price given by Fibonacci, the target position of the first day K cycle is 2.15, and the second target is 2.63. I think 2.15 is relatively stable and can be reached. Will it continue to rise later? It needs to be followed step by step. I will do some follow-up

In addition, the analysis of daily K only plays a directional role in our time, so how to intervene will be better? I still continue the style of ambushing with orders on the left side.

Currently, we can see that the hourly cycle has a five-wave structure, but the current price has encountered cycle resistance, so the current price has a very poor profit-loss ratio, so we bet on the next three waves of callback orders.

That is, the three blue arrows I drew on the right side of the picture below. I also used Fibonacci to backtest the corresponding positions👇🏻

(1) The first wave of callback is at a price of 0.382, which is 1.77

(2) The third wave of callback is at a price of 0.5, which is 1.75

These two support positions can be used as a reference for intervention in the hourly cycle. There is nothing to analyze about the indicators🔺

The current two cycles, the direction expectations and point references are given to you. Let’s talk about the fundamentals of MANTA

If you are familiar with MANTA, you may know that it was actually a member of the Polkadot system in the early days, but later it did ETH L2, which was considered a new start-up and betting on a new track

In fact, including the original business, you can also briefly summarize Manta Network: Let ZK applications burst out on Manta. That is:

(1) Allow developers to develop ZK (zero-knowledge) applications with a lower threshold;

(2) Provide users with a better ZK application access environment;

Including some of the products it has launched on L1, they are all aimed at covering the original on-chain applications with the ZK technology system. Some of its NFT, SBT and payment related products are based on the same logic.

(At the same time, it can allow ERC protocol assets to enter the ZK system planned by Manta)

And the newly launched L2 is the same. MANTA also used the momentum of launching L2 to officially issue tokens. Therefore, Manta Network is currently in the L1+L2 architecture

In fact, many people jokingly call Manta a "three-surnamed slave" because it has indeed incorporated a lot of elements in the past development process. From the infrastructure camp, it is divided into: Polkadot, Ethereum and Celestia $TIA

Counting the narrative concepts, there are: Polkadot, ZK, L2, modularization

It seems that we have been chasing the industry narrative all the way, but the main tone is basically set first-ZK modular L2

At least the team's resilience is still very worthy of recognition. In addition, with a series of "concepts", the project differentiation is also very obvious in the L2 track

The above is my analysis of MANTA from technical to fundamental aspects. Thank you for your reading and attention #MantaRWA生态