1. VGX (Voyager Token)

- Risks:

- Low liquidity: Trading volume may not be sufficient to maintain a stable price.

- Regulatory Risks: Voyager Digital has faced challenges in the past, including financial difficulties.

- Competition: High competition among cryptocurrency trading platforms.

- Benefits:

- Upside Potential: If Voyager Digital can stabilize and expand its services, VGX could increase in value significantly.

- Functional benefits: VGX is used on the platform to receive bonuses and discounts.

2. NOT (Notcoin)

- Risks:

- Low popularity: The coin is little known, which may affect its liquidity and stability.

- High Volatility: The recent rise of 27.77% indicates high volatility, which increases the risk of sharp price fluctuations.

- Benefits:

- High profit potential: High volatility also means that significant profits can be made with the right approach.

3. GFT (Gifto)

- Risks:

- Declining interest: A decrease of 0.81% on the day may indicate weak investor interest.

- Technical Issues: There may be technical issues or updates that may affect the price.

- Benefits:

- Niche market: Gifto operates in the niche sector of gifts and digital assets, which can attract a specific audience.

- Partnerships and integrations: Possible partnerships with large platforms can facilitate growth.

4. KEY (Selfkey)

- Risks:

- Low liquidity: Trading volume may not be sufficient to maintain a stable price.

- Unpredictability of regulators: Changes in regulation can negatively affect the project.

- Benefits:

- Growth potential: With the development of projects related to self-identification and blockchain technologies, the price may increase.

- Unique: Selfkey provides unique identity management solutions that can be demanded in the market.

5. REN (Ren)

- Risks:

- High competition: There are many other projects providing similar services.

- Technical risks: Possible bugs and vulnerabilities can negatively affect the project.

- Benefits:

- Innovation: Ren offers unique cross-chain solutions that may attract interest.

- Partnerships: Strong partnerships with other projects can facilitate growth.

6. TLM (Alien Worlds)

- Risks:

- Dependence on the popularity of games: If interest in gaming platforms on the blockchain decreases, this will negatively affect the price of TLM.

- High competition: A large number of competitors in the blockchain gaming sector.

- Benefits:

- Growing popularity of blockchain games: With increasing interest in blockchain gaming platforms, the price of TLM may increase.

- Active Community: Supporting an active community can promote sustainable growth.

7. BTC (Bitcoin) и ETH (Ethereum)

- Risks:

- High volatility: Despite the stabilizing trend, cryptocurrencies remain highly volatile assets.

- Regulatory risks: Constant changes in regulation may negatively affect the price.

- Benefits:

- High liquidity: Bitcoin and Ethereum are the most liquid cryptocurrencies on the market.

- Time-tested: Both cryptocurrencies have proven themselves and are major assets in the crypto industry.


1. The most risky coin: NOT (Notcoin) - high volatility and low popularity.

2. Less risky coins: BTC and ETH - high liquidity and time-tested stability.

3. Medium risk: VGX, GFT, KEY, REN, TLM - potential benefits, but also significant risks associated with liquidity and regulation.

It is recommended to continue monitoring the market, using technical indicators and news to make informed decisions about buying or selling assets.

How to minimize risks in a cryptocurrency portfolio

1. Portfolio diversification:

- Asset Allocation: Spread your investments among several cryptocurrencies so that a decrease in the value of one coin does not greatly affect the entire portfolio.

- Investing in stablecoins: Include stablecoins in your portfolio such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), which have lower volatility compared to lesser-known coins.

2. Technical and fundamental analysis:

- Technical Indicators: Use technical indicators such as RSI, MACD, and EMA to predict market movements and make decisions about buying or selling assets.

- Fundamental Analysis: Analyze news, events and developments in the field of each cryptocurrency. Understanding the technology and the project team will help assess its prospects.

3. Following an investment strategy:

- Long-term investing: Consider holding assets for the long term, especially for large cryptocurrencies that can stabilize and grow over time.

- Reducing your position: Sell some assets if they have increased significantly in price to lock in profits and reduce risks.

4. Market monitoring and regular portfolio revaluation:

- Regular portfolio review: Review your portfolio periodically and make necessary changes based on current market conditions.

- Market Alerts: Set up alerts on your cryptocurrency trading platform to receive updates on important events and price changes.

5. Position insurance:

- Stablecoins: Keep a portion of your portfolio in stablecoins (e.g. USDT, USDC) to protect your investment from market volatility.

- Hedging: Consider using hedging strategies such as futures or options to protect against potential losses.

6. Control of emotions:

- Avoid panic selling: Do not panic during sharp market declines. Keep a long-term strategy in mind and don't make decisions based on emotions.

- Patience: Be patient and give your investment time to grow. Cryptocurrencies can be extremely volatile, but a long-term approach often yields better results.

An example of applying the above strategies to your portfolio

1. Diversification:

- Include more major cryptocurrencies (eg more BTC and ETH) in your portfolio.

- Consider adding other stable assets such as Binance Coin (BNB) or stablecoins (such as USDT).

2. Technical analysis:

- Use technical indicators on the Binance platform for each coin in your portfolio. For example, for VGX, use RSI and MACD to determine entry and exit points.

3. Portfolio revaluation:

- Review your investments monthly or quarterly. If a coin is performing poorly, it may be worth replacing it with a more stable asset.

4. Position insurance:

- Keep a portion of your portfolio in USDT to ensure you have liquidity to quickly respond to market changes.

- Consider using futures on Binance to hedge your risk.

By following these recommendations, you can manage your cryptocurrency portfolio more effectively and minimize potential risks.