Manta CeDeFi: Improving Yields and Security

Manta CeDeFi: Providing more opportunities for Manta users by diversifying ways to earn yields through CeFi and DeFi.

Manta CeDeFi unlocks opportunities beyond just DeFi solutions for on-chain users directly. This CeFi + DeFi (CeDeFi) combination brings institutional-grade compliance and broad financial flexibility to users, and through this combination, Manta CeDeFi enables USDT, USDC, wUSDM, WBTC, BTCB, ETH, and STONE holders to earn more: including stable strategy arbitrage in CeFi, DeFi yields on Manta Pacific, and $MANTA token incentives.

Earn CeFi and DeFi yields safely

Manta CeDefi introduces a unique feature: CeFi and DeFi yields are generated in parallel. The ecosystem provides BTC/ETH/USD holders with two permanent yields and one limited-time opportunity. Perpetual earnings include CeFi opportunities and on-chain activities, while limited-time opportunity earnings are rewarded in Manta tokens through a 2-month points program, encouraging early adoption of Manta CeDeFi.

CeFi Custody

Manta Network is working with Ceffu (formerly Binance Custody) to provide the highest security and compliance standards in managing crypto assets. The staked crypto assets will be secured by Ceffu, and users will receive Manta Pacific on-chain Liquid Custody Tokens (LCT) corresponding to the deposit. LCT is similar to LST in that it is a liquid derivative of the original asset. In the case of Manta Pacific's LCT, the following LCTs (called mTokens) will be distributed:




After depositing USDT/USDC/wUSDM/wBTC/BTCB/ETH/STONE, you will automatically receive Liquid Custody Tokens representing your deposit at Manta Pacific, which can be redeemed for shares of mBTC/mETH/mUSD (these LST assets will be collectively referred to as mTokens).

Simplified Diversified Asset Management

Users will have access to a range of asset management services, each with unique strategies and tailored incentive programs. You can choose to use these services when connecting your mBTC/mETH/mUSD to Manta Pacific. Daily asset income can be viewed on the dashboard, and detailed information about the latest strategies and their benefits can be found on the asset management page.

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