A brief analysis of $SOL future trajectory is warranted. Despite its relatively subdued performance during the current Ethereum hype cycle, SOL tends to track the broader market trend, displaying upward movements during market rallies. As SOL prepares for an upgrade, some observers express reservations regarding its post-upgrade performance, citing potential channel obstructions. However, noteworthy is the ongoing accumulation of SOL by institutional investors, indicative of sustained confidence in its prospects. Amidst prevailing sentiments that the major bull market has yet to materialize, market participants are strategically positioning themselves in SOL, leveraging its favorable valuation and sector momentum. Notably, the recent surge in popularity of Dogecoin underscores the potential for speculative fervor within the cryptocurrency landscape. Anticipating market recognition of SOL's forthcoming upgrade, a return to an average price of 200 is foreseeable. Presently, the market presents an opportune moment to establish SOL positions, recognizing the tendencies of retail investors to chase highs and liquidate during downturns.