The 5 most worthwhile cryptocurrencies to invest in the future bull market have soared 100 times!

Most people still have relatively small funds, which are not enough for us to buy BTC and ETH, so we focus on some potential cottages, using small funds to gain greater profits. In fact, this bull market is more difficult to make money than the previous bull market. There are too many currencies, which is very different from the last bull market. So how can we choose a good and potential cottage from these 10,000 currencies to layout? Let me tell you my opinion.

I have sorted out the tracks and varieties that should be laid out. In fact, there are still very many. At present, there are many projects on BN. My personal method is to find some currencies with high trading volume but relatively low market value. The second is the track. There are still many 100-fold projects of BN's IEO projects in the last bull market, so we can focus on and layout this area!

Secondly, there is the star ecosystem SOL since this year, as well as the Ethereum ecosystem, fan series, Hong Kong concept, big cake ecosystem, RWA, modularization, re-staking, L2, oracle, DWF, etc. In fact, the focus is on the following front ones. Many old ecosystems that have been hyped in the last round of bull market may not necessarily have too much performance in this round!

The market always speculates on new things rather than old ones, whether it is old varieties or old tracks! After all, new things can tell stories better, and the selling pressure is relatively less than that of old projects, so we must embrace new things.

Just like many people are not actually on the big cake at present, because it has risen too fast, beyond the expectations of many people! Then the arrival of the cottage season may be the same, so fast that people are caught off guard, and the end will be silent! What we need to do is to ambush in advance! Hold the chips and wait for the wind to come!

1. ALT

As the core issuance platform of AVS, the main node in the EigenLayer ecosystem, and the main contributor to EigenDA, ALT plays a key role in the development of the entire ecosystem. It is not only a leader in technology, but also an important link between projects, developers and users.

Compared with other tokens in the same industry, the market capitalization of ALT is still low, and there is no clear leader in the industry.This makes it a very worthy target to watch in the long run. With the outbreak of the market and the arrival of the alt season, the long-term earnings prospects of ALT look quite optimistic.


Pyth Network is a decentralized first-party financial oracle that provides real-time market data on the chain in a secure and transparent manner without the need for third-party middlemen (nodes).

Despite the overall market retracement of 9.85%, PYTH (Pyth Network) still firmly occupies its position. With its innovative thinking and excellent technical capabilities, PYTH has the potential to change the existing landscape in the DeFi field and drive the market towards a new prosperity. Put PYTH on your watch list and witness the changes it brings together!

3. WLD

World Coin aims to build the world's most extensive identity and financial network, giving everyone ownership. Through the World application and a physical imaging device called Orb, individuals can obtain their World ID, which entitles them to free WLD tokens on a regular basis. WLD is designed as a utility token with governance attributes, enabling users to influence the future of the protocol.

Using World ID, individuals can prove their humanity to any integrated platform, enabling fair airdrops, protection against bots, and fairer resource distribution. More than 2 million people from more than 30 countries have verified their identities, and 1,500 Orbs were launched globally after the launch. In addition, the WLD token inherits the security of the Ethereum mainnet and the Optimism "Layer 2" network, ensuring strong protection of user assets.


Polkadot is an innovative blockchain protocol that emphasizes interoperability, enabling different blockchains to connect and communicate seamlessly. It allows data and assets to be transferred between previously incompatible networks (such as Bitcoin and Ethereum) without the need for third-party intermediaries. This is achieved through a central relay chain, into which independent blockchains or parachains can be plugged and interoperate.

The native token DOT plays a variety of key roles in the Polkadot network: for governance decisions, staking operations and security, and connecting parachains. The price of DOT fluctuates in response to overall market trends and developments within the Polkadot ecosystem. The future outlook for DOT looks positive as the continued launch and adoption of parachains is likely to increase the utility and demand for the token and potentially drive its price higher as the ecosystem expands and matures.


Near Protocol is a decentralized application platform that aims to provide an ideal environment for DApps by focusing on scalability and user-friendliness. NEAR uses a unique sharding technology, Nightshade, to achieve scalability, allowing the network to process transactions in parallel, thereby increasing throughput as the network grows. The native token NEAR is used to pay transaction fees, storage, and to incentivize network validators through staking.

NEAR's design also emphasizes simplicity for developers and end users, aiming to reduce the barriers traditionally associated with blockchain adoption. NEAR's price has shown resilience and growth potential, reflecting the platform's positive development and growing popularity.

Looking ahead, NEAR's future seems bright as it will continue to attract developers and projects with its innovative features and strong community support, and as the ecosystem develops and expands, the demand for NEAR tokens may be greater.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, want to know more about sharp operation strategies? Which potential coins are ambushed in advance? Then I suggest you follow me. And contact Caishen through the homepage. One-on-one analysis of your positions. Remember, opportunities always come to those who are prepared

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