I am a tough guy who doesn’t talk much. Hello everyone, I am Crypto Brother!

Daily coin check-in, today: the second PIXEL

Sector: blockchain games

Important index: 5 stars

At present, the currency has adjusted from a high level for nearly 80 days! From the daily level, a double bottom structure is formed, with strong bottom support and strong support below at around 0.32. At present, it is gradually moving out of the consolidation range, and the bottom low point is constantly rising. It has stepped back twice and did not break 0.32! From the K-line point of view, the downward trend line has been broken and the support is effective after the breakthrough. The bulls are gradually exerting their strength, the short energy is weakened, and the bulls are gradually increasing their volume and energy!

(Personal opinions are for reference only) You can add your own selection and continue to pay attention!

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