This is an interesting prospect, and indeed the Web3 concept goes some way to answering many of the questions regarding centralization and data control. In Web3, artificial intelligence could become more decentralized and accessible, which would bring many benefits. Let's look at how Web3 could change the role and use of AI.

Benefits for AI in Web3

1. Decentralization and accessibility

AI in Web3 could be distributed among many users and organizations, reducing dependence on large corporations. This would create more accessible and fair systems where everyone can benefit from the power of AI.

2. Transparency and trust

Blockchain ensures transparency of all transactions, which can increase trust in AI systems. Users could see how decisions are made and what data is used, which would greatly increase trust.

3. Data management

Web3 puts users in control of their data by giving them the power to decide what data to use and how. AI could use this data with user consent, leading to more ethical and personalized decisions.

4. Innovation and collaboration

Decentralization encourages innovation as developers and researchers from around the world can contribute and collaborate without having to go through centralized structures.

Challenges for AI in Web3

1. Technical complexity

The transition to decentralized systems requires significant technical changes. It is necessary to develop new algorithms and architectures that can work effectively in a decentralized environment.

2. Security

Although blockchain provides a high level of security, AI systems must be designed to protect data and prevent possible attacks.

3. Efficiency and scalability

Decentralized networks can be slower than centralized systems. It is important to develop ways to improve the scalability and efficiency of AI in such environments.

Examples of using AI in Web3

dApps with AI

Decentralized applications (dApps), such as predictive models and recommendation systems, can use AI to improve the user experience. For example, decentralized exchanges can use AI to analyze the market and provide trading recommendations.

Management and decision making

AI can be used in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to analyze data and support decision-making based on collective intelligence.

Personalization and improved security

AI can help create more personalized and secure applications by using user data with their consent to create unique and secure services.


Web3 opens up new possibilities for AI, making it more accessible, transparent and ethical. While there are many challenges, moving to decentralized systems can lead to significant benefits for both AI users and developers. In the long term, decentralized AI could be a powerful tool for improving people's lives by promoting fairness and innovation in the digital world.