What is Web3?

Web3 represents a new internet paradigm based on decentralization, blockchain and tokenomics. Web3's core principles include:

1. Decentralization: Web3 allows you to create and use applications without centralized servers or intermediaries. Data and applications are hosted on decentralized networks, making them more resistant to censorship and control.

2. Smart contracts: These are automated contracts that are executed when specified conditions are met. They allow transactions and interactions between users without a trusted intermediary.

3. Tokenomics: The use of tokens (digital assets) to manage and incentivize participation in decentralized applications (dApps).

The main differences between Web3 and the traditional Internet (Web2)

1. Centralization vs. Decentralization:

- Web2: Web applications and data are centralized and controlled by large companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon.

- Web3: Web applications and data are decentralized and controlled by a community of users through blockchain and decentralized protocols.

2. Data control:

- Web2: User data is stored on the servers of large companies, which can use and monetize it without direct control of users.

- Web3: Users have full control over their data, which is stored on decentralized networks and can only be used with their consent.

3. Security and transparency:

- Web2: Data and transactions are often private and not verifiable by users.

- Web3: All transactions and actions on the network are transparent and can be verified on the blockchain, which provides a high level of trust and security.

4. Incentives and rewards:

- Web2: Platforms and services are monetized through advertising and the sale of user data.

- Web3: Users and network participants receive rewards in the form of tokens for participation and contribution to the ecosystem.

Advantages of Web3

1. Increased security: Blockchain and decentralized networks make Web3 applications less vulnerable to attacks and data leaks.

2. Transparency and Trust: All transactions and activities on the network can be verified, reducing the likelihood of fraud and manipulation.

3. Data Control and Ownership: Users control their data and decide how it will be used.

4. Incentivize Participation: Users are rewarded for their contributions to the ecosystem, whether through participation in governance, provision of resources, or creation of content.

5. Innovation and new interaction models: Web3 opens up new opportunities for creating and using applications such as decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations).


Web3 represents the next evolution of the Internet, which aims to improve security, transparency and decentralization. Key benefits include control over data, increased security, increased participation and new opportunities for innovation. The transition to Web3 requires understanding and adapting to new technologies, but opens up many opportunities for users and developers.