ETH long orders entered the market three times with public posts‼ ️Three violent pull-ups, stop-profit exceeded one million‼ ️Public advance notice to help everyone take over the entire ETH bull market‼ ️

All were released publicly in advance‼ ️Many people asked me if I charge membership? I think it is normal to pay for knowledge, there is nothing shameful, as long as you really make money with people, don’t brag like some masters, if you really have the technology to lead people without charging money, what else can you bring😂For example, anti-virus software, free 360 ​​and paid Kaspersky, which one do you choose? If there are a lot of assets in my computer, I will definitely choose the anti-virus software that charges money, and the same is true in the currency circle😂There is nothing to say, charging is not necessarily a good thing, but I will charge for good things, it is the natural rule of our ancestors‼ ️‼ ️

On the contrary, I think it is shameful for those who go around dragging others down without any ability to make money with fans and only rely on showing off the so-called technical indicators or posting chat records to deceive people. It is even more shameful to say that you can share for free to lead people. Your fundamental purpose is actually to make money, but you tell your fans that you are not doing it for the sake of making money. You are just fooling your fans. Don't be a whore and still put on a chastity arch. There is no free lunch in the world, but I am willing to be free. My market analysis and trading strategies are all publicly distributed to tens of thousands of people for free. Many people have made tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars by reading my articles. My logic is that I have already analyzed the market analysis, so it doesn’t matter if I post a few more articles for more people to see. If you make money and feel that you support me, then you can join our community. It’s natural. If you don’t want to, I will still provide you with free articles, market analysis and trading strategies‼ ️I will never be like other masters who are ambiguous and force you to join the community and pay money before giving you points. All the articles are ambiguous. I will not be like those masters who make fake chat records and then take screenshots of the chat records to show you, so that you must join his community to know whether the order is good or bad. 😂 I post these articles for free so that you can make money. If you feel comfortable making money and feel that you need me to support me, you can come to me. Everyone feels comfortable. I also remind some masters not to pull down others all day and improve their skills.#5月非农数据即将公布 #NOT涨势分析