Odaily Planet Daily News: Former US President Donald Trump promised at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, DC that if he is re-elected as president, he will commute the sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht on the first day. Trump said that Ulbricht has served 11 years in prison and "we want him to go home." Many people in the audience held signs that read "Free Ross" and cheered Trump's promise. It is reported that Ross Ulbricht was sentenced to two life sentences plus 40 years in 2015 for creating and operating the dark web market Silk Road, which is actually a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Silk Road operated from 2011 to 2013 and was mainly used for anonymous drug buying and selling. It is widely regarded as the first real use case of Bitcoin. Before the speech that day, Trump published an article on Truth Social praising the cryptocurrency industry, emphasizing that the United States must maintain its leading position in this field, while Biden hopes that the crypto industry will "slowly die", but he will never allow this to happen during his tenure. Trump said he would stop Biden's crackdown on cryptocurrencies and ensure that the future of crypto and Bitcoin is created in the United States, rather than being driven overseas. He promised to support users' self-custody rights, saying to the 50 million crypto holders in the United States: "I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her minions away from your Bitcoin; never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency." In recent months, Trump's attitude towards crypto has clearly warmed up, he has publicly expressed support for it many times, and became the first major party presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrency donations. (CoinDesk)