- $ETH has been approved, and this is what will open the gates for the future of altcoins in this crypto market.
"So what will be the explosion in the future, and why in the next 480 hours?" - Let's find out.

Part one: The story of the $ETH ETF.

- Even though it was approved, the price has not increased, the real reason is because it has not been traded yet. It is estimated that the transaction time will be about 2-3 weeks away, equivalent to... the next 480 hours.

- Second idea, ETF funds will not be able to liquidate (except #Grayscale). Because they have never owned any $ETH before.

-> So when you start trading, the ONLY THING ETFs can do is BUY, BUY, BUY.

- That's also...

...what happened on the exchanges, before $ETH got good news about the ETF.

=> Combined with the fact that $ETH has a capitalization 3 times smaller than $BTC and has not yet broken its peak, when trading opens, $ETH will then have the ability to grow crazy!

That will also open up a huge opportunity for some special tokens.
Part two: the golden story of $ETHFI and $ENA

- When $ETH grows, it will lead to fomo psychology & the need to accumulate in crypto. From accumulation combined with the need to optimize profits, will lead to the story of $ETHFI and $ENA.

- $ETHFI with TVL is at the top of the system, within 1 week the platform has been loaded with an additional 1 billion USD worth of $ETH. This shows how great the attention and development of this product is.

- It doesn't stop there, next September-October is also the time to plan for the next update of $ETH - Pectra update, and its focus is on the#Restakingsystem.

- On the other hand, with $ENA and the profit mechanism that is proportional to the funding rate of $ETH, it opens up opportunities for liquidity and super profits when the market increases.

+ Because based on the previous price increase, the peak funding rate reached more than 70%/year. So if $ETH grows stronger, how crazy will the funding rate number be!

- In addition, the $ENA mechanism allows users to return stalecoin $USDe after depositing LST into the system. And#Bybitalso announced that it will integrate $USDe into 2 pairs: $BTC and $ETH. Unfolds a super ponzi story

-> Makes the person with $ETH -> bring stake to LST -> put into $ENA mechanism to get $USDe -> Use $USDe to buy ETH/USDe pair and continue the cycle.

- And that's just some basic information, there are many more crazy things from Whale, SM's perspective, coincidences...which we will discuss in another article.
- To summarize, $ETH will soon trade and open an era of growth afterward. Then the next 480 hours will be a golden opportunity to get in line, especially the ones I just mentioned.

- As for more details on each of the above items, as well as many other items of interest, Luong will soon post an analysis for everyone. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day!