Will Bitcoin replace gold?

It cannot be replaced in a short time. In the long run, the value of Bitcoin is a bubble. Don't buy it.

For those who don't understand the value of Bitcoin, don't promote it or say that Bitcoin is good. They won't understand. Let's just be at ease and hoard Bitcoin.

In the future, you can earn Bitcoin online and spend Bitcoin offline. How great is that?

The greatest value of Bitcoin is that it is a private property that truly belongs to you.

Compared with other assets, Bitcoin is truly easy to carry, appreciates quickly, and belongs to you completely.

1. Easy to carry. Unlike gold and jewelry, it only needs a string of letters to carry with you. When you want to use it, you can find a place with Internet access to get it.

2. Strong liquidity and can be traded at any time. Unlike gold and real estate, it requires a long time to be valued and is difficult to cash out.

3. Safe and quality. Gold and other jewelry will change color and may be stolen after a long time of use, affecting its price, but Bitcoin will not.

4. It is difficult to counterfeit. Fake gold and jewelry are everywhere, but fake Bitcoin does not exist. The data on the chain is public and can be checked by everyone.

5. Appreciation

Soon, needless to say, you can tell by the value, it will continue to grow in the future, wait and see

6. It belongs entirely to you, the legal currency will depreciate and be frozen, the house may be seized, the gold may be robbed, but Bitcoin will not, no matter who comes, it will be useless.

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