This chart tracks the price movements of SushiSwap (SUSHI) against Tether (USDT) over time, specifically focusing on daily intervals.

Key elements to note:

Price Levels and Support/Resistance:

The current price is around 1.2568 USDT.Historical price points show significant levels:0.5187 USDT: A low point indicating strong support.1.3085 USDT: A level where the price previously faced resistance but also served as support after a breakout.2.1537 USDT: The recent peak where resistance was strong.2.2355 USDT: An even higher resistance level noted but not recently reached.1.6360 USDT: Another mid-level resistance.1.0365 USDT: A previous support level.

Recent Trends:

The chart shows a significant rally from a low of around 0.5187 USDT in November 2023 to a peak of 2.1537 USDT by early 2024.Following this peak, there's a notable drop, indicating a correction or a bearish trend, bringing the price back down to current levels around 1.2568 USDT.


Green dashed lines: These likely represent key support and resistance levels, helping traders make decisions.Red and green candlesticks: These indicate daily price movements, where green signifies closing higher than opening, and red signifies closing lower.

Overall, the chart reflects a volatile market with significant price swings, offering potential opportunities for traders to capitalize on these movements. Understanding support and resistance levels is crucial for predicting future price actions and making informed trading decisions.