After Wang Xin, the boss of Kuaibo, was imprisoned, he told his wife to buy 50,000 bitcoins. If she holds them till now, the value will exceed 10 billion.

Today, I will share with you an incredible story. Wang Xin, a big man who was once imprisoned for his "not very serious" Kuaibo videos, may have ended his life in the eyes of many people because of his imprisonment, but the fact is far more exciting than the "script".

In the era when Bitcoin was still a niche thing in the technology circle, Wang Xin made an amazing decision behind bars. During a meeting with a lawyer, he conveyed a bold idea to his wife - to invest all the family savings in Bitcoin. This was undoubtedly a gamble at the time, but Wang Xin firmly believed in his judgment.

Although his wife was shocked and puzzled at first, she finally chose to trust her husband's business intuition. So, when most people were still addicted to the fun of stealing vegetables in QQ Farm, Wang Xin's wife secretly operated and bought 50,000 bitcoins in one fell swoop.

Time has proved Wang Xin's foresight. As the price of Bitcoin climbed year by year, when Bitcoin climbed to $20,000 a few years later, Wang Xin already had billions of wealth and became a super-rich man.

Despite being imprisoned, Wang Xin turned over in the blockchain world, and his technical ideals and business were reborn in prison.

Wang Xin's story is not only a legend of wealth growth, but also a reflection of the human nature's yearning for a higher life. His experience tells us that as long as there is unstoppable ingenuity and enough determination, life can regain its glory after twists and turns.

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