#新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件

If you want to have noble people to help you, you must understand these principles

A senior boss who has worked in engineering for more than ten years and has dealt with politics and business for a lifetime told me that if you want to gain a foothold in this secular torrent and want noble people to help you, you must understand these principles!

1. When doing business, you must distinguish between officials, officials, and clerks.

Officials are responsible for deciding whether to do things or not; officials are responsible for pushing things, deciding whether to go smoothly or not; clerks are responsible for doing things, deciding whether to do things quickly or slowly. Three kinds of people, three kinds of attitudes, promote a result that is beneficial to you.

2. There are four stages for ordinary people to start a business and make a fortune:

Take advantage of opportunities, make a fortune by taking advantage of others, and make a fortune in silence. The road is simple. And these four stages are all linked together. If one link is wrong, the whole thing will be wrong!

3. Nowadays, most entrepreneurs are living towards death and struggling to survive. As long as they are not bankrupt in spirit and integrity, they will never go bankrupt. Financial bankruptcy is not scary, but spiritual bankruptcy is scary!

4. The secret to interacting with big guys is: first become his client, have a relationship of interest, then become friends, and have emotional connections. Interests - sincerity, friends - emotions! Don't get it wrong. If you talk about emotions first and want to mix interests into emotions, no one will pay attention to you.

5. One layer of people controls another layer of people because they know a secret that the other layer of people don't know. It is this secret that widens the gap between the rich and the poor. The higher the level, the harder people will study, just to further widen the distance with the bottom.

6. Entrepreneurs must keep in mind an iron rule: you can listen to other people's advice, but don't believe in other people's judgment; the biggest and only reliance of entrepreneurs is themselves, and it is highly likely that they will fail miserably if they pin their fate on others; many things must be done by themselves, like the wolf king, who can hunt with the team and catch prey alone.

7. Why is Song Jiang called timely rain? Because he likes to help people who are desperate. Later, Song Jiang often made the opponent desperate and then invited him to Liangshan. This is called sending charcoal in the snow. If there is no snow, then make snow.

8. The pattern determines the outcome. Be open-minded and take in all rivers. Have a long-term vision and don't seek petty gains. If you can't let go of one or two bad words, how can you do big things and become successful?If you stand on the 3rd floor and look down, you can see the trash can and hear the noisy sounds outside. If you stand on the 99th floor and look down, you can see the bright lights and the most charming night view. A gentleman does not fight for the sake of fighting! Taste carefully

9. If you want to achieve great things, you must first defeat three thieves. Sit quietly to defeat the thief of anxiety. Give up to gain to defeat the thief of desire. Practice in the process to defeat the thief of hesitation. Mountain Bandit Yi