Bitcoin SV (BSV) is a cryptocurrency that was separated from Bitcoin (BTC) by a hard fork in 2018. Developed by Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre, BSV aims to restore the original vision of Bitcoin and make it more useful with larger block sizes, faster transaction times and increased functionality.

Key Features of BSV:

  • Large Block Sizes: BSV increased Bitcoin's block size limit from 1MB to 2GB. This allows more transactions to be packed into a single block, significantly increasing the transaction capacity of the network.

  • Faster Transactions: BSV transactions are confirmed faster compared to Bitcoin. This makes BSV more suitable for everyday uses.

  • Increased Functionality: BSV supports advanced functionality such as smart contracts and tokenization. This makes it possible to use BSV as a platform for next-generation dApps and business models.

Advantages of BSV:

  • Faster and Cheaper Transactions: BSV's larger block sizes and faster transaction times make it a faster and cheaper payment method than Bitcoin.

  • Advanced Functionality: BSV's support for smart contracts and tokenization makes it an ideal platform for next-generation dApps and business models.

  • Stronger Security: BSV continues to use Bitcoin's original SHA-256 hash function. This means BSV is more resistant to 51% attacks.

Disadvantages of BSV:

  • More Centralized: BSV has a more centralized network than Bitcoin. This may be a concern for some investors.

  • Less Accepted: BSV is not as widely accepted as Bitcoin. This can make BSV difficult to use and sell.

  • Controversial Developers: BSV has been associated with controversial figures such as Craig Wright and Calvin Ayre. This may turn some investors away from BSV.


BSV is a faster, cheaper and more functional cryptocurrency that aims to restore the original vision of Bitcoin. Although BSV has some significant advantages, it also has some disadvantages with its more centralized structure, less acceptance, and controversial developers. It is important to consider these factors carefully before investing in BSV.